Rainy Day Activities:

Fun Indoor Activities for You and Your Preschooler

There are many fun rainy day activities you can share with your little one on the days you have to stay indoors. Indoor activities can be enjoyed anytime or saved for special times. Indoor times can be a wonderful way to connect with your preschooler.

Special activities that are shared on indoor days can create family traditions and lifelong memories. These are also great times to promote learning or focus on specific skills. Try some of the other activities on this site for indoor days, too. Many of the crafting ideas are perfect for a rainy day, snow day or any indoor day.

Consider making a index card file box or notebook filled with your favorite indoor activities. When your needing indoor play ideas, just pull one out.

Indoor activities for kids don't have to be extensive activities. They can be simple family friendly requiring little to no special preparation like an indoor picnic .

More Ideas:

1. Try draping a sheet over some chairs to make a quick tent.

2. My kiddos like taking all the couch cushions and pillows they can find, stacking them up to make a tunnel.

3. You can play a flashlight game. Turn off the lights get out the flashlight and play a game of "I Spy".

4. Have a read-a-thon...how many story books can you read in 15, 20, 30 minutes.

5. Make a life sized board game. Get out pieces of paper, lay them in a trail, grab dice, you are the pawns, move along the trail the # of spaces you rolled.

The important thing is spending time with your children doing activities everyone can enjoy without turning to the TV or video games. Quality time spent with your little one will create bonds in latter years you both will appreciate. I hope you enjoy our fun indoor activities.

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