Valentine Ideas

Fun for the Whole Family

Looking for fun Valentine ideas to enjoy with your preschooler? Try these easy art and craft activities, valentine games or make memories with a unique Valentine's Day Party.

I wish everyday was spent showing the people we love the respect and gratitude they deserve. So often that is not the case, except for Valentine's Day. This day is designed show our loved ones they are loved. What a great time to teach our young ones concepts of love, honor and respect.

Children are very eager to please and show love in abundance. Enjoy your little ones this Valentine's Day and treat your family to some great memories through creativity and play.

This year my toddler and I made Valentine's Day cards with a special poem. We also made a fun bookmark to send to Grandparents. We've planned a Valentine tea party where we'll make a placemat, a special cup, a fun napkin ring, and a great heart necklace.

How about playing some fun valentine games like pop bottle bowling or have a heart hunt.

Try making some valentine crafts like a popsicle bouquet, Valentine chip clip magnet, or a quick hat.

Have fun this Valentine's Day with some or all of these activities. The crafting projects can be completed in less than 30 minutes and require minimal supplies. So spend a little family time and make some great memories this Valentine's Day.

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