A Snowman Song:

Little Snowman

Sing this snowman song and enjoy a few moments with your preschooler. Singing is a great way to develop rhyming and rhythm skills. These skills will actually help your little one when they begin reading.

Rhyming is an important first step to reading. It helps students learn word families. For example the at family: at, cat, bat, hat, sat, mat, rat, etc. Rhyming skills also help with spelling. If you can spell "at" the rest of the word family should come easily.

So sing this simple rhyming song and begin paving the way to reading and spelling.

Little Snowman

(Sung to I'm A Little Teapot)

I'm a Little Snowman, look at me.

I'm as happy as I can be.

When the sun comes out I go away.

Maybe it will snow another day.

Teaching Tips:

1. Talk about how snow melts

2. Talk about the concepts cold/hot and find things that are cold/hot.

3. Experiment with an ice cube and show how it melts with heat (use sun, hair dryer, hot water, hands, etc) Talk about how these things are warmer than the ice cube and so it melts.

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