Valentines Day Activities

A Valentine Bookmark Craft

We have had so much fun with our Valentines Day Activities. My daughter loved making these bookmarks. So, we made enough to include in our family Valentine's. I know all the grandparents will love them.

This was a very simple crafting activity. My little one was able to complete most of it herself except for writing everyone's name. Also, this activity when combined with the Valentine cup craft you can make a Valentine bouquet.

Learning opportunities are also abundant with this craft. We were able to talk about sizes big, medium and small which hit pre-math skills. We talked about the concept of on top, color recognition and hit on pre-writing skills by having her sign her "name" on the back of all the bookmarks. Not bad for a 20 minute craft and that was the time it took to make 8 bookmarks.

Remember let your preschooler participate as much as possible in Valentines Day Activities. This helps them develop creativity and problem solving skills. Like I said, this is what my 2 1/2 year-old produced. I wrote the names and she did everything else. Most of our project pictures are child produced so you have a better idea of what to expect.

Valentines Day Activities

What You Need:

1. Popsicle Sticks: One for each bookmark

2. Stickers (We used foam and regular stickers.)

3. Pens or Markers (We had glitter pens.)

4. Cotton Balls

What You Do:

1. Place a foam heart sticker at the top of the popsicle stick. These work best because they are firm and will stick up. If you can not find foam stickers get a few sheets of crafting foam, cut-out heart shapes and glue them to the sticks.

2. Decorate it with other stickers (We had conversation heart stickers.)

3. Write everyone's name on their bookmark

4. Decorate the back with stickers and have your child sign their name.

5. If you used foam stickers dab the exposed sticky part with a cotton ball. This will eliminate you bookmark sticking to anything it's not supposed to. You can then pull off the excess cotton to leave just a thin layer.

Teaching Tips:

1. Talk about colors

2. Count your bookmarks when finished

3. Talk about sizes: small sticker, big sticker

4. Enforce the concept "top": Put your heart at the top of the stick

5. If your child is not familiar with bookmarks show them what a bookmark is for and how it is used.

6. If you are mailing your bookmarks for gifts show your child where to address an envelope so it will get to the right person and how to package the bookmark so it won't get broken.

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