Winter Nature Activities:

Discover Winter while Creating

Winter nature activities start with a nature walk. For this winter outdoor activity, grab a small bucket, put on your coats and head outside. During your walk find treasures to put in your bucket, such as, fallen leaves, seeds, nuts, dried grasses, rocks, etc. Also use this time to talk about the nature in your area. My little girl and I talked about the leaves have falling off the trees, grasses going to seed, and squirrels gathering nuts.

Winter art activities encourage learning and exploration even during the winter months. So don't forget to check out the teaching tips after the project directions. The tips will help you expand this winter activity into a complete lesson for your child. It's so much fun and very rewarding to teach while having fun.

Have fun creating and learning and of course enjoying your child.

Remember...when creating with your child let them take the lead. Let your preschooler create in their own special way. This will allow them to develop their creative side which is a necessary skill for problem solving. Help them when needed of course, but do not take over. Yes, this can be a hard skill to master and I remind myself to do the same when I sit down to a craft project with my own child.

Winter Nature Crayon Rubbing:

Supplies Needed:

Outdoor treasures


Crayons or colored pencils

1. Place flat objects on one sheet of paper

2. Cover objects with another sheet of paper

3. Color over objects to create a rubbing or imprint of the objects.

We found flat objects like leaves and grasses worked best.

winter nature art activity

Teaching Tips:

1. Explore new vocabulary with your child: rocks, leaves, tree bark, acorn, seeds

2. Count like objects (How many leaves, how many sticks, how many rocks)

3. Talk about the colors you used and name them before using each color.

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You might also enjoy the nature snowman or the nature collage.

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